Back in the Saddle Again!

We had a wonderful break over Christmas. With all the Christmas rush, it felt really good to just close the warehouse doors, secure in the knowledge that Santa's work was (mostly) done.

And the break also made me appreciate how nice it is to be in Sweden. We're a small company, and we just can't staff the office 24/7, or even 8/5 (8 hours a day, 5 days a week), especially during holidays. For all of you customers who wrote to us during the "mellandagarna" I want to personally thank you for your understanding and patience, especially when it took several days for your e-mails to be answered. Not one of you was angry about our break - on the contrary, you were more than understanding when you realized that we took some holiday days.

But now we're back, revived and rested, ready for 2009! Many of our shelves are empty after the Christmas rush, and we are doing our best to fill them - and bring in lots of new products - as quickly as possible. We have been to Formex, the best "toy fair" in Sweden, and are on our way next week to the big TOY FAIR in Germany. 14 exhibit halls full of toys... I'll bring my running shoes!

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