Tävling på BarnNet.se

We are participating in a contest on BarnNet - we will be giving away one Radio flyer trehjuling to a lucky winner, plus four Bilibo to the next four winners.

But it was interesting... I got the first draft of the contest last week, and the last question had me stumped. "Please help ABC Leksaker find a new slogan. Fill in your best idea here." I had no idea we were looking for a new slogan - in fact, we're quite happy with "ABC Leksaker - Kreativa leksaker för lekfulla barn", so I asked them. And you know - there's a reason for everything. Apparently, the lucky winner can get stuck for income taxes on the value of the winnings... UNLESS they do something creative that helps the company, like writing a new slogan, or motivating why just they should win. Karin was also surprised, but mentioned that all other contests now make sense. 

Anyway, since we don't really need a new slogan, all you have to do to enter the contest is to "motivate" why just you should win, in 15 words or less. (Think of it as a mini-tweet, for those of you who have been hearing altogether too much about Twitter!)

You can find the contest BarnNet on: www.barnnet.se - it's a great site that lists products by type and manufacturer, not just by name or product number. It is a different take on the web market, and one that is needed and appreciated.

See the products here: 

Kortspelet Duck, Duck, Bruce

"You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em..." yep, a great Kenny Rogers song, and a good one to listen to while playing Duck, Duck, Bruce! It's not poker, but you are still betting on the next card, and hoping that flipping that one over will add to your collection.

There's no dealing, just a pile of cards. On your turn, you flip over cards one by one, until you get two duck cards from the same "family" or a Bruce (dog). When the game is over, the one with the most points wins.

The game has some good learning points - children get to take a chance in a low-key and fun way. Cooperation is great since it is easy to cheer on your opponent as he flips his cards. And point counting requires sorting and choosing the highest card in each group - good skills for the preschool set.

But most important, it is quick, easy and fun. The threesome (5, 7 and 9) enjoy it, and I think it is fun, too. Rules are not complex, and you don't have to keep referring to them to get through the game. One game takes max 10 minutes, so it is easy to squeeze it in to a spare moment, or play a tournament and enjoy. And of course, the pictures on the cards are charming (as with all Gamewright games).

Link to Duck Duck Bruce kortspel

Blomsterkrans från Oskar & Ellen

We don't always get the best images from our suppliers. In the case of our adorable blomsterkrans from Oskar & Ellen, the product is just too new, and they haven't had a chance to set up a photo shoot yet. The only picture we have is of a little girl wearing a prototype, and although she is cute, it is hard to see the real product. So - voila! Instant photo studio.

Of course, I don't really know what I'm doing in Photoshop half the time, but with the web and "how to" postings from others, I can usually get by. And here's the result:

I hope it is easier to see just how cute this blomsterkrans is!

To see it online, just click on: Oskar & Ellen Blomsterkrans